
Men in trees

We're all a little in the dark when it comes to love.
Sometimes you have to run away from it to see it clearly.
And sometimes you have to come home to try it again.

The optimists know that there is an endless amount of love to go around.
The others of us can only hope we are not the ones left without a seat when the music stops.

Even when you get what you want, at best, love is a shot in the dark.
The chance to illuminate things about yourself you didn't know...
Like that you're not over someone yet.
Or that maybe you will be after a very long, very dark night


  1. Anonymous13:40


    Me amarro nessa série...


  2. algo me diz q somos parecidíssimas no q diz respeito a gostos em séries. vá, eu confesso que pla minha parte não é mto difícil pq gosto de qs todas! =P

    ainda não tive tempo de ver o californication (época de exames =S) mas estou curiosíssima e até já vi o reclame na tv...
